Color Knowledges

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The Color of Objects

There are three major elements to perceive color: light, object and observer. Any change of these three elements will influence the observers color perception. When the light source and the observer d...

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Human Eyes to Distinguish Colors

The color difference unit, NBS, is derived from the unit of color difference formula which is established by Judd-Hunter. In 1939, the American Bureau of Standards adopts this color difference formula...

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CIE Standard Observers

In the visual observing situation, the observer is the human eye that receives the light reflected from or transmitted through an object, and the brain which perceives the vision. The visual observing...

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What is a gloss meter instrument?

Before introducing gloss meter, lets learn what is gloss firstly. Gloss is measured by shining a known amount of light at a surface and quantifying the reflectance. The angle of the light and the meth...